High School Seniors


Sweet, sporty, sophisticated? No matter what your style or combination of styles, it is important that your senior portraits reflect who you are!  It's a great way to show the journey you've made from adolescence to adulthood. For most people, senior sessions are the last time you will have professional pictures until your wedding day, so let's make it count! Do you desire to look insanely tough or absolutely stunning? Maybe you want to keep it simple?  Each senior session is 2-3 hours long with up to two locations and multiple outfit changes. We can bring in family pets, smoke bombs, hair and makeup artist, or create a theme based on your interests.  Have some ideas you want to incorporate? Be sure to fill out the Student Questionnaire and share your Pinterest boards with me.  Mom and Dad, I want to hear from you too! Fill out the Parent Questionnaire to make sure we have covered all of your needs too.

Looking for graduation announcements, thank you cards, wallet photos, wall art, or grandparent gifts? Those are all customized designs that can easily be added to any collection package. Let's meet and plan out the senior portrait session of your dreams! Here is everything you will need to know on how to get ready for your photoshoot!